When to Push, When to Pull

The Desert of Arizona
Clear Going Up To 70 Degrees

When I sat down to draw out a picture of the client attraction systems I build, a few things jumped out at me that I want to highlight. To start, take a look at the picture of the system below. This is the same system I use whether I’m working with a business generating millions in revenue all the way down to the work I do with a much smaller business. It works the same way regardless of the context.

First of all, I talk a lot about the “Platform.” And you can see that in the picture. But as you see, that’s only ONE part of the system. It’s the easiest part. It’s also the part that carries the most weight over time. But it does take time, which is why you build that first.

The goal, of course, is attraction. And what that means is that when a sale happens, it’s because the prospect WANTS it to happen, not because you “forced” it to happen.

One thing you must be clear about is in which parts of the system you can “push” (aka influence) and which others you must “pull” (aka attract.)

When a prospect gets into the Platform, it’s attraction from then on out.

But on the other side of the picture where we focus on lead generation, that’s another story completely. As I said in the diagram, figuring out THIS step is what separates the amateurs from the pros. Sometimes it takes a lot of work.

But you can push here. You can “push” your way into the field of vision of tons of prospects. Especially if you start looking at lead generation as a way to be valuable FIRST, not as a way to get someone to do something you want done.

After all, you’re trying to HELP PEOPLE with these subscriber magnets.

So you can PUSH without damaging your position as THE advisor.

Now I call these “Pain in the Neck” subscriber magnets because that’s how they should be focused. If you wake up with a pain in the neck, chances are, two things are true:

  1. You are already aware of the pain. No one has to convince you that you have a problem.
  2. You want the pain to go away.

This is what a subscriber magnet should do. This is how you come up with ideas for them. What specific PAIN are your prospects in that they know about that you could relieve or remove?