When Everyone Looks Like a Fraudster

Sunny 88 Degrees
3:36 p.m.

I used to work for a bank. Little ol’ me. A budding personal banker. This was long before I understood how banks actually worked, mind you.

It was long before I knew the sordid history of the Bank of International Settlements in Switzerland or the Federal Reserve System or about the bankruptcies of the various incarnations of the United States corporation or even the ancient beginnings of the entire Babylonian debt-based fiat currency system.

But yes, for a time, I was in the belly of the beast earning my keep!

The training to become a personal banker was a full eight weeks long. Quite an experience. We learned a lot.

We didn’t learn anything about fractional reserve banking or the Bureau of the Public Debt or the prestidigitation required to transform human life force into debt so humans can spend their lives working hard to achieve their slavedom. There was nothing serious and real like that…

We just learned how to pull the switches and press the buttons to make the system go!

Oh… and we learned about FRAUDSTERS!

That was the name for the nefarious folks who were out to do bad things to the bank.

We were trained to look everywhere for them.

You know what happens when you look everywhere for something? You start seeing that something everywhere. In fact, it didn’t take long before everyone in the bank looked like a fraudster.

Is it a wonder that most of the customers ended up being treated that way? Probably not.

When you project an intention through your awareness, you directly influence the way you see.

We do this with clients.

We do this with business ideas.

We do this almost everywhere, until we start paying attention and doing the work required to control this skill.

Working hard looking for something is often not the smartest way to find it.

The smarter approach is to learn how to control the way you see.