Ending Our Dysfunctional Relationship with Money

Mountains of Arizona
Sunny 70 Degrees, 5:59 a.m.

Things tend to get a little bit bizarre when you enter the world of charging for your services.

It’s like you’re walking into a forbidden forest and lurking behind each tree is one of your deepest and darkest secrets just waiting to jump out and scare the hell out of you.

“You’re not worth it!” “No one charges that much!” “They will laugh at you!” “You’re going to struggle, lose everything and end up on the street!” “Boo!”

Some people can get by with a big confidence boosting pep talk. You just borrow someone else’s belief in YOU and then that will power you forward for a little while until you have to find someone else to pump you up and remind you that you’re not worthless.

I could do that, but I won’t.

I’m not going to tell you you’re worth it. Because to do that would be to give credence to the validity of the program that runs the lives of so many people. And I won’t do that. Because I respect you far too much and because I know it’s a lie.

“Am I worth it?” is not the question to ask. Your “self-image” is not the thing to work on. Building your confidence is not the smart way forward.

Discovering how to see through the lies and understand the truth is the work to do. That can shift everything in a blink.

This truth I’m talking about is the fact that we’ve been trained to internalize scarcity where there is none. And we’ve been programmed to do the bidding of others and think we are “free.”

“Am I worth it” is the question you’ve been programmed to ask because it is the wrong question and one that will forever keep you small.

You have been raised to believe in a monetary system that is mathematically DESIGNED to crash every 70 years. Scarcity is built into it on purpose. Why?

Because of the power you hold. Kind of a crazy answer when you hear it at first, but let’s sort it out.

Money is energy. Energy is limitless. So who installed in you a completely different way to approach and think about THIS type of energy called money? Who told us to arrange our lives (at the expense of happiness, family, fun, dreams, everything) to chase after it until we die?

I’ll tell you who…

The people who understand that what you focus on is what you create. And the people who understand that the programs you hold in your subconscious mind slowly become your reality.

And people think they aren’t powerful.

Just look at what has been created. In a completely evil way, it’s a masterpiece.

Once you get to this understanding about how things work, you realize that you wield enormous power. And the smartest thing to do at that point is to learn how to manage that power for the benefit of yourself and the rest of the world.

The question, “What should you charge for your services” is one that focuses your power of creation on the wrong place. It makes you think about “what can I get for this?”

Why would a creator being worry about what he or she can “get,” or worry about whether or not he or she is “worth it?”

This is exactly the OPPOSITE of the smart way to use your abilities.

When you can create, “getting” is not really an issue… UNLESS you have been tricked into forgetting what and who you are.

You don’t wield your power by giving it away. You wield your power by focusing it through an intention of the reality you want to create.

This is not new age psycho babble here, this is the truth that the system would rather you never understand.

It is the truth that has been used against you for eons.

It is the truth responsible for the very prison we have built for ourselves.

Your services and products are energy that you send into the world. That energy is transformed into various other forms of energy.

We have names for these various flavors of energy like satisfaction, value, etc. Another flavor is named money.

The goal is to see this process for what it truly is. It is not give and take of scarce items, it is the never ending flow of limitless energy.

Here’s a different approach to try if you want to shift your relationship with this thing we call money:

  1. Get clear on the life you want.
  2. Get clear on the structures that will support the life you want to build.
  3. Watch the energy you put out, watch the energy that returns.
  4. Make adjustments at your point of power. You are the source from which your future reality flows.

This isn’t a “business tactic,” this is a way of life.