When Closing Becomes Irrelevant

The Desert of Arizona
Clear 80 Degrees – 1:15 p.m.

I’ve had family members considering serious operations who were treated like they were sitting opposite a used car desk manager. The doc just slid the agreement over the desk and said, “Just sign here…”

In the car business, those desk managers are the brutes. Those are the guys that close the deals when the salesperson couldn’t do it, when the sales manager couldn’t do it.

If the guy at the desk comes out, you know something is going to go down. In my experience, during my oh so brief career in automotive sales, it was usually a B.S. job of royal proportions.

But back to doctors…

While a small handful of them do “close” the sale with their patients, most don’t.

If the traditional allopathic doctor wasn’t sitting as the point person for a GOLDMINE of product pushing by the pharmaceutical industry, they wouldn’t have received the attention or superior training they have received over the years.

But they are, and they did. And that’s why “closing” isn’t usually so necessary.

People with pain show up in the office of someone they’v been told (since birth!) has the answers. The “authority” on health.

They say, “it hurts here.” The doc says, “take this.”

There’s no price resistance. There’s no, “What about that coupon you had going there for a few weeks? Any chance you’d honor that?” Ha, sounds laughable to even consider.

The truth doesn’t matter here, only perception. Remember? These principles work for good just as well as they do for the not so good.

Now frankly, everyone’s patience for a domineering “do it because I said so” “advisor” force like the traditional doc is getting prrrrreeetttttyy thin. So their days are numbered.

Even so, you can learn from interactions like this.

Choose prospects with an appropriate level of “pain.”

When you do, you don’t have to convince them they have a problem to solve. They know!

Then, be the trusted advisor. Here I’d recommend you actually DO that, not just play the game.

You will benefit in big ways.

And eventually, when you do it enough, you’ll see that closing isn’t required to sell when you engineer a system that brings people who want to buy.