Finding a Good Fishing Spot

The Desert of Arizona
Partly Cloudy 76 Degrees – 11:00 a.m.

The next running of the Lead Lab starts NEXT Tuesday. Here’s the link to register if you’re coming.

One of the best ways to generate leads is to develop the ability to see opportunities other people can’t see.

You develop the ability to see ways to connect with your prospective clients and customers that OTHERS haven’t thought of or aren’t willing to do. (You’d be surprised at how LITTLE most people are willing to do. That’s a huge opportunity for you!)

This requires that you take off the “groupthink” blinders and approach the lead generation puzzle with a set of fresh eyes and a mind with no assumptions.

Let’s say you’re a consultant, you want to generate leads and you see all of your competition over on Facebook. Every time you click on something, there’s someone you know.

Well, that to me is a sign. It’s a sign that the first place you might want to look to generate leads is SOMEWHERE ELSE.

It’s not because you couldn’t make Facebook work. But you’d be jumping into the crowded pool and competing in a game others are already splashing up a storm in. And like with everything, most people have no idea what they’re doing. What that means is that “dumb” money, if there’s enough of it, is basically inflating the prices YOU have to pay.

Often times, it’s better to think up a brand new and far more innovative way to get in front of your prospects. You can’t always get to that ideal level, but it’s worth trying.

It’s a little bit like fishing.

When someone finds a great fishing spot, do they want ANYONE else coming? Of course not.

Places like Facebook and Adwords are OBVIOUS “fishing spots.” That means that, not only are you paying for the lead, you’re also paying a premium because of all of the competition. It’s easy for ANYONE to jump in.

You can think your way to a much quieter “fishing spot.” But it takes some work.

That’s the type of work we do in the Lead Lab.