Whatchya Gonna Do When They Call For You?

The Desert of Arizona
Sunny 77 Degrees

RE: Whatchya gonna do when they call for you?

What do you do when you get an email or a phone call from a prospective client? Do you know? Does it depend? Or do you just close your eyes, cross your fingers and hope it all turns out?

In the old days, I got pretty excited when a prospective client came calling. I’d get right back to them and be my eager beaver helpful self.

Back then, I had no clue that the more energy I put into that approach, the harder I was making it on myself. Kind of counterintuitive, but you learn.

When you work with clients, it’s really easy to get stuck in the messy muck and mire of working with human beings. They can be unpredictable, irrational, cranky, and difficult.

(But really, that’s just like me or you!)

That’s why PROCESS is such an important thing. Process is the source of freedom. Process allows you to detach emotionally without having to master your emotions.

Process really makes things simpler when you start to see it work in your own business.

The bad news is that these “processes” don’t build themselves. You have to actually do it. And more than that, once you build them, then you actually have to practice sticking to them.

It’s a habit, just like anything else.

It might be hard at first. But one day, you’ll find yourself wondering how you ever got along without them.

There are (at least) 3 processes you want to think through when you’re working on the client management part of the business. Putting in some work on these can make dramatic and immediate improvements.

I cover what these processes are in this.