What To Do When the World Is Out To Get You

The Desert of Arizona
Clear 29 Degrees – 9:02 a.m.

Before I realized I was psychologically unemployable, I used to be a rather subversive employee. “Toxic” might be a better word.

I’d be nice to everyone on the outside and a seething loser on the inside. Angry and annoyed was the flavor of day. Goodness me, truly it was the flavor of several YEARS. The world was stupid and out to get me and it made me angry.

You might think this behavior was due to some master plan I had to manipulate things so I could get what I wanted. Nope. I wasn’t that savvy.

Instead, it was just because I was scared.

I couldn’t actually say what I was thinking or feeling because I didn’t want to deal with the conflict that might arise if someone didn’t agree or approve.

These days, my life is different. What changed?

I did.

Nothing about my reality changed. Not at first, at least. What changed was my understanding of myself as the causal point of the experience of my reality. (Thank you, Michael Brown.)

As Wayne Dyer said, “When I changed the way I looked at things, the things I looked at changed.”

And boy did they change.

If you’re dealing with a problem in your life or business, I’m not going to patronize you by suggesting you call it a “challenge” and go on your happy-go-lucky, way. To be blunt, some days, things just suck.

But those are the opportunities. Those are the opportunities to practice your ability to SHIFT how you look at that thing and how you look at all of life and business.

What will you see if you do this?

I have no idea! That’s why you do it. And then you pay attention.

When you can stand there and OBSERVE something as it is happening, it loses power over you.

Extract yourself from getting stuck inside it and come to the outside to watch it.

That small bit of detachment, if you can manage it, is enough to begin the shift.

It might happen immediately or it might not. That’s not the point.

What you get is NEVER the point. How you maneuver through the experience and the presence you maintain while allowing it to pass through you IS the point.

The world isn’t out to get you.