Hey Stranger, Can I Send You a Quote?

The Desert of Arizona
Sunny 40 Degrees – 7:14 a.m.

“I know we just met but if you’d like me to send you a project quote for my services, I can do it.”

Imagine walking up to a stranger, a prospective client, and making an offer like that!

At the very least, they’d probably look at you funny.

For as weird as it would be to do this in real life, this is exactly what happens thousands of times a day across the interwebz.

You land on a service provider’s website only to be invited to “request your free quote!”

Now it’s one thing to deal with a low quality prospect who is only interested in price and speed. We all get them every now and again.

But it’s even more of an issue when you do it yourself. When you direct your prospect to focus the conversation on price, you have just built a box that will bind the conversation and its nature going forward.

The time it takes to click from an advertisement or article to your website is not enough time to generate the attraction required to charge premium fees.

It would be great if it was enough time, but it’s not.

Instead, a delay must happen. (This why the media platform is so valuable.) Time must pass to allow a force to be built between where the prospect is, where she COULD be, and to strengthen the pull towards that result that makes engaging you at your premium fee level a great deal.

T.I.M.E. is what it takes.

As it turns out, this is an enormous advantage because TIME is the very thing no one wants to invest. Everyone wants results now yesterday.

You want to eat your cake before you bake it? Go ahead! Enjoy.

It’ll be soupy, it’ll be gross and it won’t be a pleasant experience.

If you’re willing to wait until the cake is actually baked, then everyone will win.