What DOES Equal Money?

Mountains of Arizona
Cloudy 55 Degrees
9:29 a.m.

So yesterday we closed with an open ended question:

If time doesn’t equal money, what DOES equal money?

I’ll give you my answer.

Money equals the level of your belief in the idea that something outside of yourself, others and the natural world has value.

That’s the real magic of money in its current form. It’s dark magic that has people trading their life force and almost every waking hour chasing after it…and then, when they still don’t have “enough,” they channel even more of their life force into worrying about it whereby projecting that very blueprint into their future reality.

And that’s how you enslave an entire planet so they’re either LITERALLY struggling for survival or they spend their days thinking, “I’d LOVE to do X with my life…but instead I have to pay the bills.”

It’s a strong prison constructed with the most powerful of materials: YOUR OWN CREATIVE LIFE FORCE.

How does all of this thinking actually help you though?

It helps you because it gives you awareness and a moment of separation between you and the money spell so that you can deliberately CHOOSE if you want to keep giving your power to that spell or not.

You might think I’m joking about the “magic” part of this, but I’m not. The current money setup comes from very ancient and very dark places and is fueled by very dark motivations.

From my experience…

  • Chasing money is the wrong thing to do. Giving power to the construct only makes it more real for you.
  • “Not having enough” is not a set of circumstances but an energetic signature. Today’s energetic signature creates tomorrow’s reality. Pay close attention to how you’re weaving the future.
  • Life force, and your ability to share that with the world in ways that enrich everyone, is without limit. It can therefore bring unlimited practical rewards. Do not try to stuff the limitless into a black magic bound container called “money.” To try that is to offer your life force in service of a lie.
  • Money (in its current form) is the measure of success in a game that was setup for almost EVERYONE to lose. The winners give hope to the masses to continue playing the game. In the long run, everyone loses except for the very, very few behind the curtain pulling the strings.
  • You are more powerful than this spell. In fact, you can turn it on its head and end its rule forever.

Step one is to begin to see it for what it is and to stop allowing it to control you.

This is a function of your WILL, not of your circumstance.