Wanting to BE There vs Wanting to GET There

The Desert of Arizona
Cloudy 42 Degrees

Almost every service provider “wants” more clients… better clients… more easily.

Far fewer are willing to do the work required to get those clients.

I wanted to be a successful musician.

I wasn’t willing to do the work to get to and stay at that level.

I wanted to BE there, but I wasn’t interested in GETTING there.

Too bad. Because if you want to “be” there but you don’t want to “get” there, all you’re left with is dreaming.

Now dreaming about things you want makes sense. I get it. You pair up focused thought intention with emotion and KAPOW, these things tend to manifest. Some people call this magic, some people call this prayer, some people call this the law of the universe.

But you start dreaming WITHOUT any intention of walking the walk, and all you’ve done is taken valuable power you could use in the moment and thrown it out into a nonexistent future. It is wasted energy.

The most effective way I’ve found to move forward in my life and business is to install daily habits that get me there.

Writing to you every weekday is one of these habits. There’s no option for an “off” day because I’ve removed that option from the list of possibilities.

One or two days in a row of repeating your habits doesn’t really do a whole lot. 1,500 days in a row, however, is a completely different story.

I’m not the first person to validate the effectiveness of this approach:

“You will never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.” -John C. Maxwell

Want more proof? You’ll find it here. Some of these folks were downright dysfunctional… but at some level, aren’t we all?