The Client Letter
October 1, 2013
The Desert of Arizona
Sunny 56 Degrees

Why do I wake up every day and write you this letter?

Why do I take time each and every Monday to write the Monday Hotsheet?

Why do I write tons of articles about business, lifestyle, marketing and more?

Because I know the secret.

The secret to doing anything worthwhile in business or life is GRIT.

Yesterday, I came across (courtesy of Bob Lefsetz) a woman named Angela Duckworth who knows this too.

You can watch her TEDTalk about it here.

She’s using science to explain something most any battle hardened entrepreneur could tell you: if you’re gonna win, you’ve got to stick around and do the work. It’s nice to be reminded of it every now and again.

Angela defines GRIT as living life as a marathon, not a sprint.

She calls it, passion and perseverance for long term goals. “Doing the work…” for YEARS.

To be honest, I have no idea where GRIT comes from at this point. I know you’re not born with it. Because years ago, in my music career, I just didn’t have it. GRIT was nowhere to be found in my life.

But since then… when I started to get into business, my GRIT started to rise to the surface.

It’s coming of age right about NOW.

But it took me years to figure out something that is really so simple.

Success isn’t about smarts, or about talent, it’s about perseverance.

The most comforting part of this is that by accepting this TRUTH, you can stop the time wasting search for all of the “shortcuts.”

You don’t have to look for much of anything when you know the real secret. There are no magical “answers” out there that are hiding under a rock.

Instead, you just put your head down and do the work.

That’s the choice you make each and every day of your life.