Trashing the Opinion Program

The Desert of Arizona
Beautiful and Clear 71 Degrees – 6:06 a.m.

If you were trained in school to care about the arbitrary opinions others have of you, you have some work to do if you want to break free of the programming.

In school, it’s assumed that the teacher’s opinion of you and your work matters. They even make up symbols like A, B, C and the dreaded F (boo!) to convince you that it matters. While the scene is setup like an objective ruler against which you are measured and then praised or reprimanded, it’s not objective at all. It’s completely fabricated. Totally fake.

I’m sure teachers are well meaning, but I’m certain the system is not.

The whole thing is made up to control you and make sure you pay attention to yet another conjured authority outside of yourself.

If you spend 16 years (or longer!) practicing this habit, it can sometimes be a challenge when you get out into the real world. You take that habit with you, as though there’s some invisible entity whose opinion of you matters. Except there’s no one there. But every time someone says something about you or expresses that they find you displeasing, that same conditioning rears its ugly head. Instant emotional reaction!

It’s entirely possible to go through the rest of your life this way, until you decide to wake up and see that you were taught a lie.

Here’s the secret they don’t want you to know:

Only YOU can grant someone the power for their opinion to matter to you at ALL.

It’s actually quite freeing to realize this.

The moment you realize it, there’s no more charade and you move forward being led by your heart to do the work you are here to do.