Drip, Drip Go the Drops

The Desert of Arizona
Sunny 86 Degrees – 11:22 a.m.

In the media platform model of bringing customers and clients to you, any one particular day doesn’t matter so much. We’ll take this daily email I write as an example.

I don’t wake up and say, TODAY I’m going to write the one email that will change my life!

It doesn’t happen that way. Instead, it’s the cumulative effect of thousands of emails (I think I’ve sent subscribers around 1400 or 1500 issues by now.) and what happens during that process.

Any single email is not so important. All of them together is quite a different matter.

Imagine you’re filling a bucket with water, one drop at a time. Eventually, that bucket is going to overflow.

Which drop will be responsible? None of them is solely responsible. They all made a contribution.

Trying to track the responsible party is a waste of time. Trying to figure out how it works is just as frustrating of an endeavor.

The platform model does NOT satisfy your ego brain, the part of you that believes you can and should dissect everything so you can “improve” it.

Some things just work. You put good ingredients into a good system and you get good results.