This Might Sound a Little “Woo Woo”

The Desert of Arizona
Partly Cloudy 30 Degrees

I was on a podcast last week and during the interview, the host used a word that jumped out at me…

The word was “woo woo.”

Now you may or may not have heard that word. Just in case you haven’t, here is one definition from the great academic periodical,the Urban Dictionary 🙂

Belief in talking to the dead, belief in telikenesis, in fact any belief not founded on good evidence, the poorer the evidence the more Woo Woo the belief.

Let’s focus on the “belief not founded on good evidence” part of this.

Having spent quite a bit of time in and around Sedona, Arizona (a place some refer to as the “woo woo capital of the world”,) I find this word funny.

Most of my daily thinking and acting is in this realm of the “woo woo,” as many would call it. Except that word doesn’t really fit into my picture.

But there’s something I’ve noticed about this word that might get you thinking. The system has trained us to use this word, or the general feeling (which carries a less than good connotation), when we are in danger of approaching something powerful and REAL.

It makes most people uncomfortable, and so they qualify what they’re about to say with something like, “This might sound a little woo woo…” That helps cushion any incoming blow of criticism.

Understand I don’t need “evidence” to know if something is real. I only have to experience it myself. That’s the authority I look to: my own.

The system doesn’t like these areas of our being, because when we get too close to them, the system loses power. (They never had it in the first place, they only tricked you into giving them YOURS.)

So here’s something “woo woo” to get us started off right this week! A little exercise so we can play with something with no “evidence” except your experience!

What? No scientific journal? No peer reviewed findings?

If you need those to validate your experience, may I suggest you are living on about 10% of your real power. Take it back. That’s what I’m here to do by the way. To help you see the walls so you can move beyond them and be who you’re here to be.

So just sit there a moment and start talking to yourself.

Then, as you’re talking, start listening to yourself. Kind of “watch yourself” from above as you are sitting there talking.

Good. Now it’s question time!

If you were the one doing the talking, who was doing the “watching?”

Hmmmm… is this “evidence” you’re crazy? Split personality disorder perhaps? The system would probably say yes. And that’s hilarious.

Don’t shy away from the unseen. Don’t shy away from that which lacks “evidence.” It never occurs to people that the “lack” of evidence could simply be a comment on the human’s inability to perceive that evidence.

What in the WORLD could this possibly have to do with the client business?

This is simply an exercise in independent thinking and experiential self-learning. When you are able to see the mind programs that you run without conscious thought, you can decide whether they belong in your future or not.

And when you develop the ability to SEE things in your own sphere of being most people miss, turning that ability to clients makes you look almost super human.

Of course, all of this might also accidentally transform your life.