This I Will Not Do

Mountains of Arizona
Sunny 72 Degrees
2:03 p.m.

Sometimes, the client isn’t right.

And when that’s the case, you get to choose whether or not you will be complicit in supporting their “wrongs.”

Take, for example, an Incomparable Expert who wants to help people.

While the heart of this Incomparable Expert might truly have the best interest of his client as the #1 priority, his mind might actively sabotage achieving that goal.

Let’s say you offer a service that truly helps people over time. But you also allow your clients to decide how much of the service to buy.

While the client might need six sessions, you allow him to buy four KNOWING that he will not be fully served.

You’ve been trained not to be “pushy.” Your training tells you that this is a good way to be: not pushy. Your training tells you that you’re just being flexible. That you’re doing the best you can.

Your training creates that queasy feeling in your gut. And because of that internal pressure, you allow the client to purchase something that is truly NOT in his best interest.

And then your programming tells you that you made the smart choice.

When you step into the shoes of the Incomparable Expert, however, you realize you made the wrong choice. You made the fearful choice.

To give control to a prospective client to “order off your menu” in a way where they can have 1 of X, 2 of Y, but none of Z… even though Z is something they need to achieve their desired result…this puts at risk the success of their journey.

If you allow that, if your business is structured to support or even encourage that, then you have an amazing opportunity in front of you to elevate your value to the world.

Part of being an Incomparable Expert is developing the ability to push past YOUR programming and to better serve those who come to you for help.

If you have a process that can lead to a result, then sell it.

And for the people who show-up who want the result but only want half of the journey, you simply say:

“This I will not do. I am not for you.”