How to Be a One Trick Pony and Love It

Mountains of Arizona
Cloudy 68 Degrees
3:51 p.m.

When you really get down to it, I only do one thing:

I help people connect with what makes them unique and communicate that to the world in a way it gets HEARD.

I’m basically a “one trick pony.”

But I like it. And because this pony practices his trick A LOT, I’ve gotten really good at it.

But it’s just one trick.

Despite the connotation that the system has stuck onto this “one trick pony” phrase, you can make an entire life’s work out of that one trick.

Sometimes, I do a bit of the trick for free. This daily email is one example.

Sometimes, I only do a specific part of the trick…like when I speak with someone on the phone and turn their thinking around so they actually realize THEY are the rare and valuable party in the client/provider relationship.

And sometimes, I do the trick in a very comprehensive way, like with members of the partner program.

I slice, dice and julienne this trick into many different shapes, sizes, levels of detail, price points and methods of delivery.

It’s all the same “trick” though.

If you’re going to master something, it takes time, effort and focus to become truly great at it.

People talk about the one trick pony like it’s a bad thing.

But if you’re the pony who does your particular trick better than anyone else in the world, people will come from all over to see it.