The Search For Work/Life Balance and Other Unhelpful Pursuits

Mountains of Arizona
Clear 35 Degrees
6:47 a.m.

Early on in my business journey, I was on a constant hunt for answers.

As I matured, my search transitioned to look for better questions.

Asking better questions is far more valuable than tracking down the answers you think you need.

Take this question as an example: does work/life balance exist?

Depending on which direction you focus your ears, you’ll get every answer from yes to no. I’ve had very smart and successful people say YES, I’ve had other smart and successful people say NO.

Can you have a work life balance and still achieve success is not a question with a right answer. I think it’s an unhelpful question.

Asking a question like that implies a lot of things. It implies there is and should be a separation between “work” and “life.” And even more subtly, it focuses our awareness on the EFFECT that is our reality rather than the CAUSE of our reality.

Is mother nature “balanced?”

Are raging firestorms or erupting volcanoes balanced?

Are decade long droughts balanced?

Are major earthquakes balanced?

Not on the surface they aren’t.

And yet, there IS a balance. But it exists somewhere beyond our material perception, in the realm of the unseen.

And for us, that’s where balance can exist as well. Deep within where no one sees.

Can you maintain this balance while investing 100 hours to build something beautiful for the world?

Can you remain balanced in a room full of screaming toddlers?

And most importantly, can you remain balanced when all of the external stimuli disappear and you are left to face yourself?

The balance is within. It has nothing to do with what you do, how long you do it or why.

Can you remain still within?

Can you maintain the connection to the real you in all things?

Happy New Year!