The Search For the Right Answers

The Desert of Arizona
Clear 65 Degrees

School trains us that there is a right answer. And if we find that answer, we will succeed.

Just look around and you’ll see what happens when an entire society is trained to go on a never ending search for the “right answer.” It’s a mess. An entire world told to look for secrets in every single place EXCEPT where they actually are.

Do you remember school ever mentioning that you already have the answers? Of course not. That’s the path to developing a powerful and uncontrollable person. And that would be a travesty.

In my experience, this is not how life or business work.

There are no right answers.

For example, let’s think about social media. It’s something you should do if you’re a business person, right? It’s the next big thing. If you’re not doing that, you’re missing out. And if you ARE doing that, you should be following the long list of best practices to make sure you do it “right.”

Here’s the big problem I encounter:

I’m not social. I’m nice, but I’m not social. Especially in groups of people. I CAN be social, but it doesn’t energize me. It drains me.

What does energize me is speaking with one person at a time, or with a few people at a time, who are interested in going deep talking about something real.

Talking about the weather and what I had for dinner just makes me want to leave the room.

There were years where I’d resist that. There were years where I was determined to develop my weaknesses into things that aren’t so weak.

Networking can take you places. It’s all about who you know! Right?

Bleh. So I stopped thinking about my “weaknesses.” Because it’s a stupid thing to do.

We’re not here to be like everyone else. And if you truly want to be an Incomparable Expert, then pay close attention to that first word:


That means, matchless. It means, beyond comparison.

If you want to be that, you have to ACT like that.

The good news is that you already have a head start. You just have to pay attention to the clues. The head start comes in the form of the things you’re already great at. You came with those baked in.

Work on those things. Focus on those things. Develop those things.

In the client game, the best clients are already winning. You help them win more. Same thing with yourself. Take your “winners” and make them bigger. Ignore your weaknesses. Those are not the things you are here to share.

Blaze a path to where your strengths can take you.

Look at where you are. Look at where you’d like to go. Just sit there and think about all of the ways to get there using what you have.

In other words, MAKE IT UP.

I’m not saying there’s not a ton to learn. What I am saying is that the sooner you stop treading the well worn path and start blazing your own, the more likely you will have others begin to follow.

In order for people to follow you, you have to be going somewhere that makes the journey worth it for them.

I take people on a journey to clarity. I don’t give you the answers. I simply help you discover them on your own.

I do it here and here.

Figure out where you take your prospects and clients and start communicating that to the world.