The Revolutionary Act of Surrender

Mountains of Arizona
Storm Coming 88 Degrees
1:52 p.m.

My mind is a fickle little beast.

And ever since I got into business, I’ve done battle with that sucker. For many years, it won. Only within the last few have I developed the ability to allow its antics without falling prey to them.

My mind thinks I should go one way.

My heart knows I’m wired to go another way.

My mind dreams of making some sort of product or service ONCE that tons of people could use and like.

My heart knows that’s not what I’m here to do.

My mind digests story after story of people doing things I think I should do or could do.

My heart goes along for the ride and watches as the mind is given the reigns to betray its true master yet again.

My mind says, “if only you had an idea like John, Sally, Bob or Tim. Those folks are bazillionaires! And none of them is smarter than you. What’s wrong with you that you can’t come up with some great idea like that for yourself? All you seem to be able to do is come up with ideas like that for OTHER people.”

Oh, I’ve tried to create things that appeal to big groups. I’ve chased the money. I’ve chased the dream of creating some silver bullet that can help millions of people.

But eventually, I settled into accepting a most “inconvenient” truth:

I’m not here to scale.

I’m here to help a SINGLE person to identify, broadcast and amplify that unique signal within them.

There’s no such thing as delivering “Incomparable Expert Status” to millions of people.

Incomparable means there’s only ONE and that means it is crafted with a single human being in mind.

To me, part of walking the Incomparable Expert journey is knowing where the edges of your path lie and having the humility and discipline to walk within them.

For a person with an extra helping of the independent gene, this is a hard sell! But sometimes, it pays to stay within the lines. (Did I just write that!?#$*@)

We make a big deal about blazing new trails in life when the reality is, if we’re paying attention, our path is put out directly before us.

The work is to fully accept the direction you’re here to travel and then to actually do the walking.

The moment you provide a radical acceptance of that truth in your heart is the moment your life changes.

This is what it REALLY means to surrender. You’re surrendering to the real you. This is not weakness. It is, in fact, a revolutionary act.

But do you have the guts to do the walking?

That’s the question we’re all left to answer for ourselves.