The Real Problem With Clients

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On March 27, I took some time off from the Client Letter to reassess the direction of the Letter. I have to say, I was surprised to receive so many “What happened, am I still on the list, I like your emails” messages in my box.

Clearly, this is helping a lot of people. And I’m grateful for that.

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The Client Letter
The Real Problem With Clients
Spread the Word – Friends Don’t Let
Friends Work With Bad Clients

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April 20, 2012
Sedona, Arizona

Not all Clients Suck. But some sure do.

The trick is to pick the good ones. The bigger trick is to develop the ability to set the duds free before they drag you down.

Great clients are awesome, but there’s still a problem with the whole model… according to me.

The problem is that in the client business, the majority of your revenue is generally spread across a very few sources.

It’s not like you’re spreading your risk and income across 4,000 customers.

And with clients, you don’t realy have the ability to wake up in the morning, write a simple email, and generate revenue. You’re not building your asset, you’re helping to build theirs.

Bottom line: if 100% of your income comes from clients, then I think you’re on shaky ground.

Ask yourself this question, “How many ‘Hey, it’s been great working with you but we’ve decided to go with someone else.’ phone calls would you have to receive to take your income to zero?

I’m a bit of a loner so maybe that just bothers me. But I think that looking out for your own well being is a smart move if you’re in the client business.

The simple truth is that no client will ever put your well being before theirs.

It is your responsibility.

That’s common sense right?

Easy to remember here, but it’s easy to forget when you’re in the trenches.

I know because I’ve forgotten it. Then I end up surprised and a bit annoyed when the client puts their well-being in front of mine.

It’s actually pretty funny how dumb I can be sometimes. 🙂

The smart idea is to develop sources of income that you control.

With those in place, you don’t need clients as much.

And what tends to happen when you don’t “need” clients? They show up!!

What are your plans for “diversifying your risk” and developing income streams that you control?

I’d jump on those plans if I were you.

See you next time,

Jason Leister
Editor, The Client Letter
Creating Success for Independent Professionals

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