The Platform Producer

The Desert of Arizona
Cloudy 79 Degrees

RE: The platform producer

Producers and consumers. In our current world, those are really the two main groups of folks.

I’m knee deep in studying how the school system was setup as a systematic way to make people stupid. You don’t have to look very far to find out just how successful that project was.

People aren’t stupid, but they can be made that way.

I’d point you to this guy if you want to go down the rabbit hole. I have to warn you, it’s a lonely road. It will probably make you angry. Oh, and people will call you nuts.

One of the most profound shifts that’s happened over the past century or two is a drastic shift in the ratio of producers to consumers.

A long time ago, you had to be a producer if you actually wanted to stay alive. You had to take care of yourself. You had to think for yourself. You had to grow your food. You had to protect your stuff.

Things have changed. The economy has shifted in this neck of the woods from a producing one to a consuming one.

Originally, this provided an enormous boost to the economy as the masses were slowly trained to buy a lot of the same things.

And that’s brought us to the state of things today: way too much “getting,” not nearly enough creating.

In the business world, you have to produce value or you are invisible. The state of things is so poor that when you DO actually produce something of value, you stick out like a sore thumb.

That’s what a Platform helps you do. It provides a structure and focus for your energy. It gives you a process to transform your raw energy into real value for someone else. Then you rinse, you repeat, you do it again.

Over time, that value brings the clients and the customers and a lot of other opportunity.

It all begins with production.

Perhaps you’ve been brainwashed into thinking you have to “get” clients. That’s not how it works.

You don’t “get” them, you earn them.