Cheap, “Trouble” Clients Explained

The Desert of Arizona
Partly Cloudy 82 Degrees

RE: Cheap, “trouble” clients explained

I’m sure someone has given a name to the phenomenon in the client business where people who pay you a lot of money tend to be much better clients than those who haggle over fees and pay you peanuts.

I imagine it’s happened to you. In fact, my hunch is that you already pictured someone in your mind as you were reading this.

Ever thought about WHY this happens?

Why do the clients who pay you more generally tend to be better clients who treat you better?

Why do the clients who have trouble agreeing to even bargain basement fees create such problems?

To be frank, I have no definitive answers. But I do have ideas.

And my best idea at the moment is that it all comes down to belief. It comes down to a belief in the mind of the client about the relationship between a client and provider.

It’s not about the money, mind you. The money junk is just a symptom of the belief.

Some clients believe that service providers are hired hands. Other clients believe that service providers are strategic partners.

People behave in ways that fortify whatever they happen to believe. In fact, people will do completely irrational things simply in an effort NOT to contradict what they believe. If they contradict their beliefs, their whole world falls apart. And that’s just not acceptable.

So how do you attract the clients who want to hire a strategic partner not a “hired hand?”

You do it by demonstrating that you are the type of service provider who only works with that type of client. You show them that you PARTNER with people. You leave clue after clue after clue that you’re not interested in the people who want a “hired hand.”

This is why a Platform works. It’s the device that does all of this demonstration. And over time, it custom tailors your marketing message so you can become an Incomparable Expertâ„¢ to many people all at once.

Actually, the Platform doesn’t “custom tailor” anything, the subscribers to the Platform (your future clients) do that on their own. You simply provide enough demonstration for them to pick out the parts they like!

Your Platform becomes a beacon for the type of client you want to work with.

If you want a formula for how to make this work for you, you can get it here.