The Piano Competition

The Client Letter
February 1, 2013
Way North of Lake Wobegon
Sunny -17 Degrees

This morning I want to tell you about one of the most vivid examples in my life of the power of the mind… when used correctly.

This happened a long time ago. Way back when I was in 8th grade or so.

Every year, my school had a music competition where the top winners would then go on to compete at a regional level.

It’s at this competition that I first experienced the power of the mind.

It was about 6pm at night and I was on my way to the music competition to play my piano piece in front of a lot of people.

There was only one problem: I was scared to death of performing!

(Kind of funny for a musician you know.)

In order to keep myself from flipping out, I started to focus on the piece I was going to play.

So on the car ride over and during the first few hours of the competition, I sat there and went through the entire piece over and over and over and over again in my mind.

I didn’t hear the music, I pictured it on the page. My memory works in pictures so that’s my most effective way for remembering things.

I SEE them.

I got up on stage and played that piece as perfectly as I’ve ever done anything.

I’m pretty sure I remember getting a perfect score in fact. And after that night, my piano teacher decided to send me to take lessons with a college professor.

Was it just a lucky night? Was it just a coincidence? At the time, it didn’t seem to be anything but that. But looking back on that night now, it was definitely NOT a coincidence.

I had just stumbled onto the power we’ve all been given to create reality.

(Here over 20 years later I am finally getting it.)

I used my mind in the way that’s intended. I gave it a CLEAR picture and it delivered the result.

Your responsibility is clarity. Your responsibility is the PICTURE.

Once you get that, the tools you use to help you along the way become far more effective.

Without the PICTURE though, you’ll end up working hard. But you might not get anywhere.

What’s your picture for your business? What’s your picture for your life?

Get that clear and then get the tools you need to move forward here:

But get the picture FIRST.

All of the hard work we do isn’t worth much without that picture.

If you do anything today, get that picture clear and then just watch what happens after that.

Be prepared for the ride of your life.