Paying the Tolls

The Client Letter
February 4, 2013
Way North of Lake Wobegon
Cloudy 6 Degrees

Today let’s focus on the toll booths of life. Whether or not we’re aware of it, this great gift called life does extract tolls along our journey.

We can either choose to pay the tolls as we go or we can choose to avoid them.

Don’t forget to register for tomorrow’s FREE LIVE teleseminar I’m hosting with marketing systems expert Dov Gordon. The training is called “5 Steps to a Consistent Flow of Customers” and it happens at 2PM EST.

The goal is to show you how to build a system to attract clients. That way, you don’t have to depend on luck! (Smart.)

This will be an educational-only event with nothing for sale, so bring your “thinking caps” only.

It WILL be recorded so register here right now even if you can’t make it live.

For the people who choose to pay the tolls, they shell out a few coins every time they come up against a challenge and push through it.

Maybe they overcome it, maybe they just outlast it. Either way, they pay. Once the payment is made, they continue on the next leg of their journey.

For those who choose NOT to pay, they simply offer up a reason NOT to go through the toll booth.

Most people would call these reasons excuses.

Here’s my take on excuses:

They will KILL you–from the inside out.

Think about the big goal you have for yourself. I guarantee you that there are a million reasons why your goal is totally and completely unreasonable.

You? Work for yourself?

You? Make a living doing what you love?

Hogwash. I can think of tons of reasons why that will NEVER work.

I bet you can think of some too.

All of those reasons are excuses. Your choice is whether or not to believe those excuses.

If you believe them, they become your reality.

And instead of paying the tolls required to get where you want to go, you’ll simply make an excuse.

But shrug those excuses off (like the B.S. they are), and you have a chance.

Do that long enough and you will make it.

Make a choice now not to be an excuse maker.

I used to be more interested in helping excuse makers overcome that behavior.

No longer. Life is too short.

Now I just ignore them. If they work through it and want help, I’m more than willing.

Until then, I leave them to do their own work.

Don’t stand for excuse makers in your life. And certainly don’t accept that behavior from yourself.

Life is WORTH paying the tolls for. Do it.

The world is counting on you to do it.