The Other “Golden Rule”

The Client Letter
February 14, 2013
Way North of Lake Wobegon
Sunny 27 Degrees

I think it’s only appropriate that today’s message focus on LOVE.

But instead of talking about loving others, which I’ll leave to those far more eloquent than I, I’d like to talk about something different.

It’s actually the simplest client attraction strategy I know:


Easy to say, hard to do sometimes. Especially if you’ve received the “brainwashing” that makes you search out validation from the outside.

If you appreciate yourself, others will appreciate you. You cannot truly give love if you have none.

I grew up with “The Golden Rule” that we’ve all heard a lot. That’s the one that talks about doing unto others as you would have them do unto you.

That rule is extremely valuable.

A few years ago, I found a slight variation (I believe it was from the work of author Michael Brown) on that rule that I’d like to share today.

Do unto yourself as you do unto others.

The fact is, most of us treat ourselves far worse than we would ever consider treating even a complete stranger.

This treatment has consequences. Just one of which is that it makes attracting clients more difficult.

Without developing a strong love for YOURSELF, it’s far more difficult to attract clients. Because the energy you emit gets in the way.

I’ve been there, I’ve done that and I didn’t just “buy the T-Shirt…” I bought all of them!

A lack of love for yourself leads to a life of looking for that approval from your clients. And that’s what makes this guide I wrote so valuable. I know what it’s like and I do my best in there to help you move through that obstacle.

It’s hard to attract clients who respect you when you don’t fully respect yourself.

Loving others brings a wealth of value and meaning to your life. It’s one of the greatest joys there is.

Loving YOURSELF, however, changes everything…