The Most Interesting Person in the World

The Desert of Arizona
Sunny Working Our Way Up To 67 Degrees

Ever wonder why people are attracted to certain individuals and not others?

Ever wonder why average service providers often attract more clients than excellent service providers?

Why are certain people able to attract what they want and others aren’t? Do you wonder about these things?

I do. In fact, I’ve been studying this very question for almost 10 (eek!) years now.

I saw this happen in the music world where “average” players got great gigs.

I saw this happen in the technology world where a similar thing happened.

And of course, this happens in the business world all the time.

Some people are magnetic and others aren’t.

That’s the bad news. The good news is that there IS a recipe for turning this around. You can actually build this force.

The reason why is because attraction isn’t magic, it’s a discipline. It’s a learned behavior.

How do you become the “most interesting person in the world” to the right people?

Well, one option is to become a “chameleon” and morph to the surroundings you encounter. You basically become what others want you to become.

I’ve tried that. It sucks. You feel like a fraud (because you are!) and you wander around wearing a suit made for someone else. It’s not a good look for anyone. Plus, at least for me, it’s extremely draining.

The other option is to learn the rules of attraction and then apply them in the way that’s right for you.

I’ve had the privilege of working with some extremely successful people over the years. And when I encounter these folks, I’m not just “doing the work and keeping my head down,” I’m also studying how they operate, what makes them tick.

For some reason, I’m extremely fascinated by the art and science of attraction. So I always do my best to “reverse engineer” how that’s working for them.

This is what I do. I am here to do the digging. To find the ideas, to piece them together and then share them in a distilled form so the truth can get transmitted easily and quickly.

If I look back over years and years, this is what happens over and over again. This is what I do.

I’m ready to do this with the art and science of attraction.

I’ve put together my own recipe for this based on about 10 years of study. This recipe is something that extends well beyond the world of business but also has immediate applications within that world as well.

In other words, if you step forward towards this, you might be in danger of completely transforming your life! Hopefully, that’s a “risk” you’re willing to take.

I don’t do events like this very often anymore, but consider this your invitation to peek inside the art and science of attraction.