The Money Journey

The Desert of Arizona
Sunny 55 Degrees

Money is a freaky thing.

I grew up thinking it was evil…

I grew up some more when I realized that was wrong…

I grew up even MORE when I realized I had no idea how to deal with it.

And I’m continuing to grow even more as I realize that, like everything else, money is a product of me mastering me.

It’s amazing how much crap we’ve packed into what really is just a small piece of the human existence.

But it’s a little bit silly to question what is. Oh I’ve done it, over and over. But I’ve never gotten anywhere.

If money is something you struggle with in and around your work with clients, let me tell you: there is hope.

If someone like me (with decades of “training” to overcome) can make progress, ANYONE can do it.

But that doesn’t mean there isn’t work involved. For me, there was LOTS of work involved. Still is.

I’ve come a long way since those days where I’d get that pit in my stomach when someone looked at me and asked, “So what do you charge?”

I’ve come a long way since those days where I’d be the guy discounting my own services (in my head before I ever mentioned a fee) by 50%+ because I was scared of my own shadow.

And I’ve come a long way since those days when I had no idea I was being run by “money repulsion programs” I could actually alter.

So fear ye not. You can do this.

Today, I shared some of what I’ve learned in the Money Matters Live event.

You’ll have access to order the material in the next day or two once the recording is available.