Smaller is Better

The Desert of Arizona
Sunny 57 Degrees

Years ago, I wrote a blog post about the future of “information marketing.” My point was that with all of this technology, it was becoming obvious to me that the marketplace was returning to the way the old village worked long ago.

Everyone in the village knew the baker. He did his best to bake good stuff because he had relationships with the people that were eating his food.

For a while, technology made us think that was going away. For a while, the new technology allowed someone to “scale” their business in ways that were previously unimaginable.

Customers became numbers. With technology, we could “serve” a thousand of them just as easily as one.

But if you’re a customer or a client, do you really want to be “scaled?” Do you really like being treated like a number simply because the business owner is interested in hitting it big?

Of course not. No one likes to be treated like that.

What I noticed is that when the glitz and shine started wearing off the new technology, all that was left was the connections between people.

That’s what mattered. That’s what was unique. That’s what was valuable.

In my business, that’s what I’m realizing it’s all about. It’s not about 4 million customers. It’s about real relationships with real human beings who want to accomplish things.

If that’s your priority as a business owner, then “scaling” and growing an enormous business doesn’t really help you achieve your goals. In fact, it takes you farther from them.

Some business owners will call that nuts, and that’s fine.

But for me, it’s the right way to go. To shrink. To get smaller. To become far more valuable to far FEWER people.

And that’s what I’ve done with The Rainmaker Letter. It’s no longer for everyone. It’s for only a very few people. Because it’s now unlike anything else that exists.

And I’ve made some drastic changes to it that will allow me to focus on what is most important:

Making a sizable IMPACT in the life of a real human being.

You can read about it here.

P.S. If you’re a current Rainmaker Letter subscriber, you’ll receive an update about what’s happening with your current subscription. If you are interested in upgrading your membership, please let me know right away and we will work it out.