The Laws of Your Land

The Desert of Arizona
Clear 59 Degrees 6:03 a.m.

When a prospect enters your universe, how do they discover how to behave?

How do they learn about the rules you’ve set up for “how you do things?” Do you tell them? Do you allow them to figure it out on their own?

Have you ever thought about this? If you want to be an Incomparable Expert, then your behavior is one of the most powerful tools you have for communicating that.

Behavior speaks louder than words, but that doesn’t mean you stop speaking!

So it’s up to you to create the rules of your universe and then communicate those rules to others. This is the fun part, by the way, because it’s YOUR universe. You can do anything you want.

You have a blank canvas on which you can draw whatever you want in your business. That doesn’t mean it will always work. But there’s no reason to draw your canvas like someone else’s JUST because “that’s how things are done.” How INCOMPARABLE can you be if you do things like everyone else?

So you do things differently. And you communicate those differences to your prospects and clients.

This is not about controlling someone else. Your prospects and clients retain their autonomy at all times during this.

This is about creating the structure in which you work and about making sure everyone who is interested in working with you KNOWS what that structure is.

Structure inspires confidence because it provides a feeling of safety. Fear of the unknown rules the world, so people aren’t really too excited when they encounter more of it. When you don’t take charge of a client relationship, you will lose it.

One way you can deal with this is through what I call the “Laws of the Land Follow-Up Sequence.”

This is a series of emails automatically delivered to prospects after they enter your universe.

This series sets the frame of mind for your prospects about what it means to interact and work with you. It tells them what you do, how you do it, why that’s different, and more.

It takes objections off the table BEFORE they happen. It tells the story of you in a systematic way so it gets delivered to EVERYONE.

A sequence like this is a powerful tool if you build it right. But even building it wrong is better than not building it at all.

Systems like this are the beginning of leverage even for the service provider who only ever trades time for dollars. You get leverage wherever you can because it improves results with less effort.

I’m working on perfecting the process to build a sequence like this and I’m looking for a small handful of people who are interested in being involved in the early stages.

If you’re curious, the details are here.