The Field Report Hotsheet 7.11.2016

July 11, 2016 – Issue #212
Business Model Generation

I read this book yesterday and thought it provided an interesting and unique way to look at business model generation. So many of the models online/offline seem to me like they are just waiting for some evolutionary TLC. To think that pay-per-copy for the Xerox machine and leasing business equipment were all innovative business model shifts at one time…it makes you wonder what innovations are sitting right in front of your eyes waiting to be realized.

PlusThis 2.0

If you’re an Infusionsoft user and also use PlusThis, I want to call attention to their latest upgrade, which brings some pretty cool features to the table.

Two of the cool new features are Timeframe Triggers and Scarcity Triggers. Timeframe Triggers (demo video here) allow you to do things like give a discount to people who order X amount of time after your webinar ends.

Scarcity Triggers (demo video here) allow you to give a discount (or some other incentive) to the first X people who order, or something like that.

When Sandler Stunk At Selling

I’ve learned a lot from David Sandler over the years about selling. I listened to his recordings for a LONG time and they got embedded in my psyche about how and how not to approach selling. If you’ve never read his story about his failure to success in selling, here’s the short version.

Capture Video From Website Users

If you use wordpress, here’s a simple plugin to allow your website users to submit video from their computer or mobile device. The plugin stores the video on Amazon S3 where you can download it.

They don’t charge for this (not sure why), but it’s simple to use.


I had a recent occasion to test out Dean Jackson’s GoGoClients sytem and thought it was pretty simple AND extremely powerful. If you want a simple way to integrate optin forms, autoresponders, postcards/direct mail and pre-recorded (extension based) message lines, check it out. Free 30 day trial.