The Insanity Exception

The Desert of Arizona
Cloudy 44 Degrees

Albert Einstein is credited with the quote we hear a lot explaining the definition of insanity:

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

While I can think of many examples where that is true. One glaring example comes to mind where this is NOT true.

It’s the example of the media platform. My media platform is this very letter you are reading.

Every week day, I wake up and do the very same thing. I sit down, think of you, and think of something I can write to help you on your journey.

The same thing, each and every day.

You know what happens? The longer I do it, the more good things happen. I do the same thing and get different results, better results.

Now for those of you already chuckling saying that only proves I’m insane, touché. According to the world, I definitely qualify.

But don’t believe everything you hear. Certainly don’t believe me. Learn by your own experience.

What I know is this: there is a compounding effect created by repetition.

Sure you have to be smart about what you choose to repeat, but don’t be fooled by the fact it doesn’t feel exciting. There is progress happening even if you don’t feel it all the time.

And really, you could do far worse than getting stuck in the habit of HELPING PEOPLE.

How often are you adding value to the lives of your prospects and clients even if they never send you a penny?

As Seth Godin says, would they miss you if you didn’t show-up?