Reverse Engineered Production

The Desert of Arizona
Snow 32 Degrees

I first heard that term from Garrett J. White over at Wake Up Warrior.

Reverse Engineered Production

Garrett has his take on it, but today I’m going to explain what this means to me. Because this term pretty accurately describes what we do with the platform method of client attraction. (If you don’t know what a platform is, read this.)

You can’t control whether client A hires you or whether client B ever even notices you are alive. You can’t control other people. This should come as no surprise.

But we try anyway. The times we are successful, we pat ourselves on the back and think we’re geniuses. The times we aren’t successful, we get frustrated.

This is a route to failure with no exit.

Reverse engineered production turns things upside down. We focus on what we control to create the results we want.

It’s a strategic distillation of our focus, energy and effort into a very powerful force that is directed at an appropriate target. A target we can hit every time.

Instead of going to get clients, we build a system that gets clients.

It’s a big challenge, in business, to pursue goals directly. Especially when these are goals we don’t control. That’s why, “I want to make a billion dollars!” just isn’t such a wise goal to have, in my opinion.

Because what happens when you don’t make a billion dollars? What happens if you only make $500 million? Did you fail?

In the platform model of client attraction, we start from the other end. We start with US. And what’s something very powerful that we control?

We control our commitments and our willingness to follow through on those commitments.

That’s where the platform journey begins. You make a commitment to doing it FIRST. You commit before you figure it out.

How backwards is that? Well, it’s so backwards it completely changed my life… for the better.

You decide to succeed FIRST by committing to begin. From there, you figure it out.

You won’t find this in a best-selling business book, because it’s a HARD SELL. Most people want something shiny where you press a button and cool stuff pops out.

I’m not here for people like that. And that’s not what I’m selling. Even though that’s a pretty quick route to “success.”

I realized a long time ago, I’m not here to be “successful,” I’m here to be ME.

There’s power in commitment. The trick is to commit to something you actually control.