The Indirect Approach to Getting Clients

The Client Letter
September 19, 2013
The Desert of Arizona
Sunny 74 Degrees

In the latest episode of Marketing Phone Calls that I just recorded with Ricky Breslin, we talked about a type of marketing that can only really be described as indirect marketing.

Listen to the podcast and you’ll hear about how it works.

To hardcore direct marketers, this is most likely heresy. If you’re a dyed in the wool direct marketer, then just hit delete now before you get angry.

When you’re selling you, “indirect” marketing works. I know it works because I see it working. Both in my business and in many others.

More than that, being direct when you’re selling you actually works against you.

Saying, “You should hire me,” is a surefire way to kill a sale.

Instead, you take the indirect route to the goal. You imply the offer instead of shoving it in front of someone’s face.

This “indirect” marketing approach builds an attractive force around what you do.

The tools you use to build that force (a platform of some kind, a podcast for example) give your prospect the material he needs to sell HIMSELF on hiring you.

All of this can be learned. All of it can be engineered.

The result, of course, is a happier you and a better client.

The downside is the price you pay to do this.

The price is paid in time and patience.

Do you want to pay the price?

Do you have a better idea?
