Fees That Make You Go Hmmmmm…

The Client Letter
September 20, 2013
The Desert of Arizona
Clear 50 Degrees

Next Thursday, included with the new issue of The Rainmaker Letter, I’m releasing an interview I recorded with a “web designer” turned business owner.

I put those words in quotes because, looking in from the outside, that’s what someone might have called him. They might even have called him a “graphic designer.”

But from his perspective, that’s not really the service he offered.

Oh, that’s the work he did alright. He designed sites. He made graphics. He put it all together.

But his clients weren’t there just for that. They were buying something far more valuable.

And that’s why they paid fees 4 and 5 times ABOVE what others were charging.

Instead of charging $2,000 or $3,000 for a website, he was billing projects at $7,000 – $16,000.

How you react to something like that says a LOT about your mindset. If you hear fee numbers like that and a whole lot of bad feelings come up… including some judgement… including thoughts like, “That’s ridiculous. There’s no way any one is going to pay fees like that…” Well, that’s a clue you have some work to do on your mindset. This will help.

But if the idea of setting your fess multiples above what you have now is exciting to you, then figuring out this puzzle is worth the work.

There were three parts to this puzzle that we identified during the interview.

The point of all of this is to show you what’s possible. And to get your creative juices flowing to help you ramp up your fees to where they SHOULD be.

Stop just doing what you do when clients need it done and ask yourself, “What’s the most painful and expensive problem my skills and services are able to solve?”

That’s the question to ask yourself to begin.

And if you’re not a Rainmaker subscriber yet, then subscribe today to make sure you get this interview.