The Greatest Excuse

The Desert of Arizona
Clear 62 Degrees 5:28 a.m.

If you’re really going to make a commitment to the journey of the Incomparable Expert (which is really no different than making a commitment to become the BEST version of you), then you’re going to lose access to some of the most powerful excuses ever devised by the human mind NOT to face certain parts of yourself.

Growing up, we were all told never to let our heads get too big. To never forget where we came from. To always be humble. “No one likes someone who brags,” after all.

There are lots of words for people who go over this line: braggart, jerk, etc.

Can you think of ANY words in our language that describe an extremely confident person, living in his or her power, that carry a good connotation?

Confident is about the only one I can think of at the moment. And that’s pretty darn general. So that’s ONE word to like 10, 20, 30 or more with the opposite connotation.

Have you ever wondered why this might be? Why is there such a strong force keeping us all away from this supposed land of “being too big for our britches?”

All of this contributes to a type of training that teaches you to live based on the standards and within the comfort zones of others. You are rewarded with a carrot or a stick based on your response to the training. The carrot is acceptance by others, the stick is being ostracized or criticized by them.

The “others” might be your family, or your friends, or your church, or your clients and customers.

The problem is that this is how SHEEP live. When one sheep begins to hop up over the fence, the other sheep pull him down.

But there’s an even bigger problem…

If you never talk about your greatness…if you never express it openly and fully out into the world, then you never have to fully take responsibility for it. You will never have to accept the responsibility for being a steward of that gift.

How nice.

You might get “comfort” on the outside, but you’ll be dead on the inside.

We have been trained to fear our power. We have been told to stand back from the edge of what we could be. We have been instructed to watch as other (select) people exercise their power. But not us. Not you. That path is reserved for someone else.

If you are always limiting the strength of your light, you will never have to fully take responsibility for yourself in the world. EVER. You will be “free” of that burden.

You’ll have at your disposal the greatest excuse for NOT becoming the best you that anyone has ever devised.

Unfortunately, you will have also locked yourself away in a prison of your own making.

If you don’t shine, your light cannot be seen. It will not serve as a beacon to those who are lost, to those who need to be inspired, to those who are looking for counsel. They will not see it, they will not see you.

Is that the life you think you’re here to live?