The Clarity Conundrum

The Desert of Arizona
Sunny 54 Degrees – 6:17 a.m.

I searched for a long time for clarity about my business. Clarity about what I should do, how I should do it, what my “thing” was that I was going to pursue to create success.

To look in on my journey from the outside must have been slightly funny. Like a little mouse running around in circles looking for cheese never realizing it is sitting right behind him, in plain sight.

I wanted clarity, but not enough to actually look in the right place for it. Sadly, I didn’t know where that was at the time.

And even after I got some clues, I just wasn’t willing to disconnect from the idea that clarity was going to come from “out there” somewhere. Either from someone else or from thinking really hard about the problem.

Surely I could find some successful person or expert who could lead me. Or maybe if I just found the right information, the puzzle would fall into place. My mind was processing information on overdrive!

But I was wrong on every level.

Thinking your way to clarity doesn’t work. It seems our biology is not setup to work that way.

There’s a much higher level of knowledge that you carry. And it’s not in your head. It’s in your heart.

[Business experts who think is is nuts, please hit the delete key and have a nice day!]

They don’t teach you that in school. And I don’t remember any classes about how to tune into that and flow with the information that is coming out of that area of your being.

I wonder why they don’t teach this? Because school the prison is designed to create a mobile version in your mind – it’s cheap, it’s strong and it’s self-perpetuating incarceration you can carry with you everywhere you go! Yippeee!

Once your mind gets loaded with the right programs, it will chase itself around forever and ever.

Lots of people are stuck in this mode, but I think the time is here to move beyond it.

If you’re looking for clarity in your mind, do you think that trying harder is going to do it?


A few months ago, a long time reader sent in a question. Today seems like the appropriate time to ask:

What do you think it means when someone says, “I know beyond a doubt my heart will lead me there.”

Who or what led you to believe that your heart doesn’t know the way to go?

Perhaps now is the time to replace those folks with the only person who knows the way forward for you.