Debunking the “Law of Attraction”

The Desert of Arizona
Sunny 61 Degrees – 6:37 a.m.

You don’t have to read too many books or speak with too many wise people before you realize that becoming attached to a specific result is a fast lane to misery.

This is a generally accepted truth in spiritual circles. It’s something you learn in Understanding the Universe 101. It becomes pretty obvious, pretty quickly.

But in the world of business, the average Joe would call this “crazy.”

“Business is all about results,” cries Joe! “Create results or you lose! Make it happen. Produce! Make the sale. Close the deal.”

All of these phrases are born from the same energetic seed: getting something you want that you don’t have.

In Joe’s world, the word “results” doesn’t mean the product of a creative process. In Joe’s world, “results” has one meaning only: getting what Joe wants.

And the average Joe is miserable because he is always at least ONE step away from everything he wants. If he could just… {insert whatever Joe wants but doesn’t have}, then Joe could be happy!

Just imagine if you could deceive 7 billion people into believing in scarcity? Imagine if you could get them to internalize that and then project it out into the world? What would happen then?

Scarcity would become real. Take a look around.

If you want to continue on that path, that’s up to you. I choose not to because I know it’s a lie.

This mental construct is a program. Nothing more. Nothing less. And it is the generally accepted program in the world of business.

When you decide to stop allowing this silly program to infect your mind, then new possibilities can present themselves to you.

As it turns out, poor Joe has been tricked. He’s been tricked about how his power of creation works. He doesn’t create by getting, he creates by directing intention with an energetic force that will manifest in resonance with the frequency of that energy.

For some reason, someone gave this the ridiculous name of the “Law of Attraction.”

It’s a ridiculous name because it sets you up to fail from the beginning. If you go into this focused on the getting of what you want, you’re no better off than poor miserable Joe. You think you’ve “evolved” but you’ve just put a new package on the same old crap.

You’re still stuck in the muck of NEED: You have these people over here and you want them to do X. What are all the ways you can make that happen? How fast can you make that happen? How easily? How cheaply? How reliably? How can you “attract” that result?

When you choose to step out of that game, then you can move to a fuller expression of your true self.

Now if you think this is all just a bit “woo-woo,” then hallelujah! Because that means you’re ready to dig deeper into a world that the system doesn’t want you to know about. And your ego is freaking out about going somewhere where you (the BIG you) will see that your ego is a scared little sheep.

The system refers to this path as “woo-woo” because that simple threat of getting made fun of or ostracized by the pack is enough to keep MOST people away.

If you want to build something that isn’t based on this old program of scarcity, then you work on developing your mastery of your internal energetic state.

If you embody need and fear, you’ll project that and create it. If you embody the absence of need or fear (love!), then you’ll project and create that.

Do you see why average Joe will never get anywhere? Because he’s constantly projecting out that which he doesn’t want.

The worst part is that he actually works hard at his projection of NEED. He’s gonna make it happen!

The alternative is to use intention. Intention is not flavored with need or want.

Developing this ability is a business and life skill far more valuable than anything you’ll find in a business book.