The Cheese Stands Alone

The Client Letter
November 8, 2012
Sedona, Arizona
Partly Cloudy 44 Degrees

Isn’t it funny how things like school and sports and jobs and other group settings like that basically make fun of the person who’s different?

Think back to your early days in school. I’m sure there’s somebody you can think of that was the outcast. The person that was different than everyone else. The person that got singled out and left behind.

Don’t for a minute think that dynamic is human nature.

It’s trained. It’s deliberate. It’s conditioning.

It’s easy to control people when you can train them to ostracize those who are different and reward sameness. When the collective can be trained to police itself, control is easy.

That’s because the members of the group care more about NOT being singled out than just about anything else.

Unless you were fortunate enough to be homeschooled or brought up outside this “system,” you’ve probably been conditioned just like everyone else.

Isn’t it odd then to find out that all your differences, the things that make you stand out, are actually your greatest assets in business?

Why wouldn’t the “powers that be” want you to celebrate your uniqueness? Why wouldn’t they want you to assign great value to those very things that make you different?

Hmmmmm…. because that would be very bad for their business. Because he who values himself FIRST cannot be controlled. He needs nothing, he lacks nothing, he validates HIMSELF.

And the fun doesn’t end there.

Because valuing yourself FIRST is also a killer way to attract clients.

It gets complicated and frankly, WHY or HOW it works isn’t as important as knowing it works.

As they say in the old nursery rhyme, “the cheese stands alone.”

My recommendation? Be the cheese.

Get the tools you need to do it here.