Etch-A-Sketch Your Brain

The Client Letter
November 7, 2012
Sedona, Arizona
Sunny 46 Degrees

Ever have a client negotiation weigh on your brain more than it should? Maybe it was somebody trying to beat down your fees. Or maybe it was someone who kept jerking your chain refusing to move forward on a project.

No matter what the issue is, the remedy is the same:

Shake your brain like an old school Etch-a-Sketch and fuhgedaboudit.

Forget and move on.

Easier said than done sometimes. But done it should be.

If it works out, it works out. If it doesn’t it doesn’t.

If it works out, you’ll know it–because the client will show-up in front of your face.

So until then, it’s silly to give it another thought. Just move on.

This is why you shouldn’t focus on getting clients as much as you should on creating prospects. Think about the last client you had. Would things have gone differently if you had been talking to 20 prospects just like that one?

The more prospects you’re talking to at any one time, the better. You care less, pure and simple.

And not caring is how you get people to be attracted to you.

I didn’t make up the rules folks. It’s a crazy business to be sure.

If you want a remedy to some of the craziness, I packed it into the pages of this. I recommend you take two and call me in the morning.