The Alternative to More

The alternative to more is better.

Stepping out onto the interwebz, it’s pretty darn easy to get enamored with more though.

  • How big is your list?
  • How many people were on your webinar?
  • How many leads are you generating?

All great questions. But the answers will vary widely between a business that is focused on MORE vs. a business that is focused on BETTER.

I was enamored with “more” for quite some time.

More leads, more clients, more customers.

All the while, I was jumping over the ability to go “better.” Or in other words, to pursue a “better” result with far fewer people.

Does the growth of your business happen because you get “more” of something/someone, or does the growth happen because you go “better” and deeper with a smaller group of people?

For example, I’m not in the “more” business. I’m in the “better” business. I talk to thousands and thousands of individuals in order to discover a select FEW.

Your business may or may not be setup this way. The point is to know if it is or not.

If you’re in the “more” business, then pursuing more makes sense.

But if you’re in the “better” business, where a single client could be worth tens of thousands, or hundreds of thousands of dollars each (over their lifetime with you), then that’s a very different set of priorities. And it takes a different kind of work to realize all of that value that’s hiding in the depths.

You never will realize it, though, if you’re in a “better” focused business and you’re in hot pursuit of “more.”

Before we head into the weekend, I’ve decided to make a new service available for the Incomparable Expert community. This one leverages what some have called my “stupid human trick.” That “trick” is showing you how to be a one of a kind service provider on the spot. This has a strict limit of ONE per person per lifetime 🙂 But it should be valuable for quite a few people. So have at it.