The Why About the What and the How

The Desert of Arizona
Sunny 55 Degrees

In my work with clients, I often make the point that when we’re selling, the focus is on the “what to do,” not the “how to do it.”

If you are a personal trainer, the focus is on the “what to do.”

“Dear Client who doesn’t like his body… what you need is a simple to follow system that actually works for your body.”

That’s the “what to do.” That type of a discussion brings a prospect closer. If they agree with your prescription, they want to know more about that. That’s the kind of response you can work with.

But the “how to do it” is a different beast. You do get to that point with a client, but the question is one of timing. When is the right time? While the “how to do it” is important for results, it is less attractive when you sell.

“So basically client, you stop eating crap every day and you exercise the body.”

Eek… That’s a hard sell right there.

So is this a bait and switch?

You can call it that if you want. Except the reason you’re doing this is because you actually want to help the person. I’ve never gone wrong with THAT intention at the forefront of my mind. SERVICE. You want to get them results. If they could get those results on their own, they would have those results already.

So the reality of it is that it’s necessary to wrap the package you show up with in the way that’s going to bring the people you can help TOWARDS you.

Focusing on the WHAT TO DO builds attraction.

Focusing on the HOW TO DO IT kills attraction.

Understanding the reason WHY, and knowing when to focus on which part makes you much more effective when you’re actually trying to help people.