The 21 Day Success Secret

The Client Letter
August 10, 2012
Sedona, Arizona
Sunny 80 Degrees

I have to admit, I’ve known about this “secret” since probably 2006. Why I’ve not used it before this year is something for which I have no (good) excuse.

I finally started using it a few months ago.

It’s no coincidence, I imagine, that since that time, my life and business have seen some amazing developments.

I’ll spare you the details, but let’s just say that some great things are happening.

Some might say it’s luck… or maybe the result of years of hard work.

Flattering, but no. Digging ditches is hard, this… not so much.

The real development is that I’m discovering how to operate my mind, body and spirit. There’s no comprehensive manual for doing that. But there is a manual for part of it…

The best part is, you don’t have to understand (or care) how this “secret” works. You just make the choice to use it or not.

As you can see there, I’m talking about Maxwell Maltz’s Psycho Cybernetics. I read this book years ago. I didn’t actually USE this book until recently.

And as you might expect, the “doing” of it has made all the difference.

If you want to change your life, then get the book, read it, and start doing the exercises. Mr. Maltz suggests a period of 21 days. I did the practice for a few minutes each day and even skipped plenty of days and still am amazed by the results.

Just a word of warning. Engaging in this “practice” is not exciting. It’s much more exciting to dream of “getting” the book and having your life transformed.

When you actually sit down and do it, there will be no fireworks. There will be no high fives. There will be zero accolades.

And that will continue, day after day after day. It will continue until you wake up one morning and find yourself on the other side of your struggles. And at that moment, it will all make sense and you will be forever changed.

We’ve been trained to become addicted to the rush we get when we “think about doing things.” The simple secret is that only those who actually do the things get anywhere. The rest of us simply look around for the next high.

Psycho Cybernetics is simple science. You can either use it to your advantage or you can ignore it.

Why didn’t I do this years ago?

I’ve always been intrigued by the idea that some are “scared of success.” On the surface, that seems like a downright crazy idea.

On deeper reflection though, it’s not so crazy.

It’s scary imagining the end of all of the problems and struggles that you’ve allowed to define you over the years. If all of those went away, just who would you be?

Get the book, do the work and put yourself in a position where you’ll be forced to come up with an answer to that question.