Hiring Your Next Client

The Client Letter
August 13, 2012
Sedona, Arizona
Sunny 78 Degrees

Think about the last client you hired. When’s the last time you did that? When’s the last time you approached a prospect where the primary question was: “Do I want to work with THEM?”

It’s amazing to me how much of my life I’ve gone through barely even aware that that question existed.

Things were far more one sided for me. I was living with the default mindset that I was the one who had to justify my presence. That I was the “weakest” link that had to be granted a place at the table.

I was the one trying to get noticed, to be liked, to be invited.

As you speak with prospects this week and beyond, never forget to remind yourself that you have to choose to hire this person as much as (if not more than) they have to choose to hire you.

If you’re not yet at the point where you can conjure that feeling on your own in the wild, then simply practice feeling it in the privacy of your own home.

Then, when you get in front of a prospect, have it written down so you are reminded of that powerful thought many times throughout your conversation.

I’ve written many issues of this letter discussing this topic from different perspectives. The reason I keep coming back to it is because it serves as THE foundation of everything you attract to you in your business.

You don’t get invited to “the table” if that’s what you’re waiting for. Instead, you show up at the table and you stick around. After a while, being at the table doesn’t seem so special. After a while, you become the one others look to for an invitation to the table.

After a while, you see the illusion for what it truly is: a construct of your mind that has kept you small.

Once that happens, your limits disappear and you discover that you can fly.