Systematic Clarity

The Desert of Arizona
Sunny 53 Degrees

I used to wait around for clarity to come out of the heavens in a bright flash of light. For the record, I’m still waiting!

Despite the good story that event might make, it doesn’t seem to be how it plays out. Clarity often decides to show up another way for me. And by that, I mean SLOWLY.

The same thing can happen with the clarity that shows up for your prospective clients about whether or not YOU belong in their universe.

Imagine you’re staring at a clear glass figurine that’s been positioned underneath a flowing waterfall. The figurine is directly under the waterfall so water is constantly flowing down along its edges.

If the light is dim, you might not even be able to see this glass object at all. But as the light increases, you can catch glimpses of the object. Sometimes it’s just one side, other times it’s just a single edge.

But the water keeps flowing. And if you, as the observer, start moving around, you eventually fill out the rest of the image in your mind.

Before long, your brain receives enough raw data to piece together any missing parts of the picture. And then… bam… you can see the whole figurine and appreciate all of its beauty. That’s when you start thinking things like, “Wow, that’s an amazing work of art…”

This is how the platform model of client attraction works.

The raw material you publish in your platform shows your edges. Little bits and pieces of what you’re about, what you do, how you do it and how people benefit.

One issue or episode of your platform (podcast, newsletter, whatever) is never enough to see the whole story. Instead, it’s delivered bit by bit… just like the waterfall flowing over the figurine slowly displays the edges of the masterpiece.

Slowly, but surely, clarity is delivered to your prospective clients.

It is actually quite systematic without feeling robotic. Nature is a system, by the way. Very organic, yet extremely intelligent.

This “systematic” approach to clarity ends up connecting buyer with provider in an elegant and classy way. To me, this is the preferred method to “get” clients as an advisor.

One day, the outline of you and what you might actually deliver to someone becomes CLEAR to that someone in a way that prompts them to get started.