System Selling Secrets

The Desert of Arizona
Sunny 50 Degrees

How do you sell high ticket services to busy people that are skeptical, maybe even cynical?

Well, the short answer is, you don’t. Instead, you engineer a system that gets them to sell themselves.

The “system” isn’t really about selling, it’s about creating a dynamic where they want to buy. Never forget Mr. Jeffrey Gitomer’s #1 Rule: “People Don’t Like to Be Sold But They Love to Buy!”

Do YOU like to be “sold?”

Selling is “push.” Attraction is “pull.”

The platform is in the middle of making all of this work. The platform is your podcast or newsletter. It’s one of the central pieces of the system.

In addition, there are sorting/sifting steps that you create that allow your prospects to self-select. The serious ones make themselves known to you. The non-serious ones just keep percolating.

The most fascinating part of this is that you don’t have to have it all figured out before you start.

Start with the Platform. Get that plate spinning. If you do nothing more than this, you’ll be way ahead of most of your competition.

But really, this isn’t the place for you if you’re just looking for average. We want INCOMPARABLE remember? That requires you to go a bit further.

So you add a “decision point.” That’s my name for an opportunity for prospects to take one step CLOSER to you.

Over time, you add other things that sift and sort, you make adjustments, you find the right balance for you and your clients between selling and attracting.

Please understand, all of this attraction and systems talk sounds pretty romantic before you start. And really, it IS quite effective. But once you actually start to build it, you’ll realize it’s just WORK. Smart work, but still work. But it’s work you really only do ONCE.

For the past year+, I’ve been working on a system like this with a client. He’s selling high ticket services (by high ticket, I mean five and six figure range service commitments) to dentists.

The results have been pretty darn sweet.

In the next issue of the Rainmaker Letter, I’ve gotten the green light to walk you through how his system works.

If you want to come along for the ride, make sure your subscription is active.