Stupid Human Tricks and the Client Business

The Client Letter
June 18, 2012
Sedona, Arizona
Sunny 88 degrees

This is, by far, the quickest way I have available to help you transform your business.


When I used to watch normal TV, I absolutely loved watching The Late Show with David Letterman.

If you’ve ever seen that show, you probably remember his “stupid human trick” segments where he’d get people on to do the craziest things.

If you need a refresher just how stupid some of these tricks can be, take a look at the video below. I chose not to include the one where the lady scratches the inside of her eyelids. (You can thank me later.)

The reason I’m telling you this is that we all have “stupid human tricks.” But when it comes to business, your stupid human trick could be the greatest asset you have.

Your “stupid human trick” is the thing (or things) that you do better than anything else. You probably also do that thing better than most people.

I’ll give you an example…

I was recently on the phone with a client discussing a marketing promotion. I started asking questions about who the target audience was and in about 15 minutes, I totally reworked the promotion.

My client said something like, “You’re a genius.”

Apparently, what I said resonated with her on a very deep level.

For me, it’s easy to do what I did.

That’s one of my stupid human tricks: helping people see what they cannot see. That’s why I love coaching people so much. It’s my stupid human trick. I’m really good at it for no other reason than because I am.

The funniest part about this stupid human trick of mine is that I can do it even if I’m going through mess in another part of my life.

Sometimes what I can’t even do for myself, I can easily do for others.

It took me a while to get over that, but I’ve accepted it. It’s just the way it is.

So what’s your stupid human trick? Do you know? Are you using it to affect your life and the world in a positive way?

If you don’t know what yours is, then it’s worth the work to figure it out.

If you do know what your trick or tricks is, are you using it to its full potential?

Just think about it.