Business Blunder #4,351

The Client Letter
June 19, 2012
Sedona, Arizona
Sunny 81 degrees

What’s keeping you from growing your business? Here’s a way to help you find out.

I’m a very cerebral person.

I like to think a lot. I like to have a plan. I like to have a strategy.

I like to have things “figured out.”

And then I started a business and found out that as much as I “like” those things, they’re relatively useless compared to the willingness to keep taking real steps forward.

In other words, action trumps all types of thinking, planning and “strategery.” Mainly because action informs your thinking with real data.

Disregarding this concept results in bass ackwards business building. I used to be the King of that Kingdom.

Let’s take the whole idea of positioning.

I’ve “reinvented” myself several times in this business and I wasted a lot of time doing it.

I’d get bored with what I was doing or tired of the result I was getting and decide I needed a new “brand” or “positioning” in the marketplace.

So I’d think one up. Then I’d waste even more time by going through my website and making the necessary changes to reflect the new me.

What a waste.

The answers I was seeking are much easier to find when you’re actually out there, interacting with real people in the marketplace.

Go out and get dirty with some real client work and your ideal positioning will become clear to you. Go out there and see what draws clients in and what resonates with them. You’ll get the answers you need and you’ll earn some fees along the way.

Making decisions based on information acquired in response to ACTION will save you a lot of time over guessing your way through.