Sleuthing on “The Google”

The Desert of Arizona
Sunny 46 Degrees

RE: Sleuthing on “The Google”

Got an interesting email yesterday from a customer and subscriber wondering how I get clients.

He’d done a little sleuthing on “The Google,” and couldn’t find anything out there where I was actually trying to get clients myself. All he could find were links to my writings, products and services helping others get clients.

He couldn’t find anything out there where I was hanging out my shingle as a copywriter. So how do I get clients without any of that?

I thought it was a good question, so let’s talk about it.

The fact is, I gave up trying to “get” clients a long time ago. They either come to me and knock on my door or I don’t have them.

I don’t say that with a chip on my shoulder, like I’m some great gift to the world. For goodness’ sake, I’m sitting here right now typing this to you from my kitchen table, most likely about to change a diaper, so let’s put to rest any thoughts of me sitting in my ivory tower somewhere looking down on the world.

Attraction is just the reality I’ve created for myself. I attract, I don’t “get.” I gave up “getting” because it doesn’t work and it makes you look bad–which doesn’t do much for the level of your fees.

So how do you attract? Well, there are over 600 issues of The Client Letter that talk about that. Those are all free, so dig in. If you want a serious crash course, this will give it to you. If you want smaller, bite-sized pieces, then this will do it.

But really, at the end of the day, you attract by demonstrating your value to the world and leaving a trail of breadcrumbs back to you. Sorry if you were expecting something miraculous. It’s actually quite simple. The magic comes when you throw in the ingredient most people are unwilling to use in their “cooking.” That ingredient is TIME. This takes TIME.

The funny thing is that the customer who wrote to me missed the huge swirling “client attractor” that I send to his inbox each and every day.

It’s called The Client Letter.

I’m highlighting this because YOU can do something very similar in your world.

Yes, the Client Letter helps thousands of service providers all over the world. And the products and services I’ve created can help facilitate some serious transformations.

But all of those things also serve another purpose. And that purpose is that they sell ME in the only way I’m ever willing to SELL me.

And that is through the act of DEMONSTRATION.

Consistent demonstration is one of the most effective “client attractors” I’ve ever used. And it’s right there out in the open for everyone to see. And it’s VALUABLE!

That’s my kind of marketing. The kind that adds value first. The kind that people actually WANT to receive. And the best part is, it actually works.

Now don’t think I’m some genius or anything here. I totally fell into this. I started the Client Letter because I was annoyed to death with my clients and it was a whole lot cheaper than therapy!

But really, anyone can do this. The building blocks are there for everyone to see.

Stop trying to “get” clients and hop on over to a better road. That’s the road where you engineer it so they can come to you.