She Burned the Popcorn

The Desert of Arizona
Sunny 80 Degrees

Last night, at about 9:30 when my wife usually heads off to bed, she looked at me and said, “I think I’ll make some popcorn…”

It started off well enough, until the pungent odor of kernels engulfed in the flames of hell filled the room.

She burned the popcorn.

Now I’m no popcorn expert, but this usually happens when I try to pop popcorn too quickly.

You end up with some kernels that get burned to a crisp and other kernels that haven’t even started popping. Kind of a mess really. And the smell isn’t something that you forget any time soon.

The same thing happens with clients.

When you try to get them quickly, or “close them,” bad things tend to happen.

Who do you think is the better client? The one you had to sell or the one you allowed to DISCOVER you and what you do?

Have patience. It pays off in the end in ways you could never plan. Spend your time crafting the system that engineers the DISCOVERY.

Time is an ingredient in that process. But you can ruin all of that by turning the marketing and selling “burner” on high and frying the poor suckers.

Don’t burn the popcorn. The smell is terrible and I imagine it annoys the popcorn.