It’s Not Me, It’s You

The Desert of Arizona
Clear 61 Degrees

I’m sure there’s a name for the disease where you can relate almost everything that happens in life to a specific episode of Seinfeld. Whatever that’s called, I have it.

Today, we travel back in time to the “It’s Not You, It’s Me” episode.

Except, we’re going to switch it up to “It’s Not Me, It’s You.” There’s a secret in there that you want to remember.

Once your platform is up and running… once it’s building trust, credibility, and once it’s demonstrating what you do, the real work becomes growing it. That means you do the work to generate more subscribers for your platform.

One of the ways to do that is with a “lead magnet.” It’s something free you create to offer in exchange for contact information and an active new platform subscriber.

Lead magnets can be reports, videos, audios, hotsheets, whatever you want.

The important thing, is what you focus them on.

You don’t focus them on you in any way. Instead, the focus is on THEM. It’s on the people you want to attract.

So when you’re trying to generate leads for your platform, the golden rule you want to remember is:

It’s not about YOU. It’s about them!

Dean Jackson would call it whiskers vs. cheese.

Others would call it smart marketing.

I call it effective.

Here are a few questions to help focus your thinking for the next time you create a lead magnet:

  • Exactly WHO am I trying to attract?
  • What are these people FEELING?
  • What are the biggest, most painful problems they face (that they’re
    aware of)?
  • Can I solve (in a quick and simple way) even a fraction of one of those problems?

We talk about this in one of the Platform Lab sessions. It’s actually some of the hardest work there is to do. It can take a few tries to really nail it. The next platform lab session starts Tuesday. If the time is right for you, hop on board.